Heat Exchanger Suite (HExS) version history

HExS –

Software licensing on new activation server

HExS –

Update to HCHex

  • Added support for no core tube design
  • Allow the calculation of core tube diameter when Shell inside diameter is defined
  • Allow the calculation of Shell inside diameter when core tube diameter is defined
  • Allow the calculation of both core tube diameter and Shell inside diameter
  • Added new graphics
  • Updated summary screens

HExS –

Update to DHex

  • Maintenance release addressing
    fixed bug to address failing to calculate the thermal capacity ratio
    fixed bug to address failing to calculate the number of transfer unit
    fixed bug to address failing to calculate pressure drop in annulus side

Update to S&THex

  • Maintenance release
    Added error check in physical properties import feature

HExS –

Update to ACHex

  • Added condensing service – heat transfer coefficient is required when this service is in use.
    only total condensation is currently supported
  • Added support for subcooling when condensing service is in use
  • results interface now can be maximized to fill screen
  • Added water and steam properties

HExS – v2.0.0.2

Update to HCHex

  • Introduced latent heat input on shell side and tube side
  • Added support for phase change.
  • Calculate both inlet flow rates when heat duty and temperatures are specified

HExS – v2.0.0.1

Update to DHex

  1. Added use hydraulic diameter for nusselt number calculation
    This feature can be accessed through the software setting screen
  2. Minor fixes to interface

HExS – v2.0.0.0

Update to S&THex

  1. Update error log viewer, the software will now issue messages in the error log that
    include the following types:
    ERROR: This type of messages is used for errors in input or results, the software will stop until errors are fixed by the user
    WARNING: This type of message is used for warning when parameters are exceeded, the software will continue buy some results may be invalid
    MESSAGE: This type of message is used for general software informative messages
    INFO: This type of message is used to provide additional information and guidance during operation
    New Features:
  2. Added kern tube counts
  3. Automate multiple cases by simply setting the changing parameters and allowing the software to iterate through these parameters and generate final results.
  4. Iterate through kern tube counts using the multiple cases feature

Automated mode for multiple case simulation: instead of manually changing values to add a case, this mode
will do the exact without user intervention. The manual mode is still avialable too.
You can now perform a simulation study by changing any of the parameters under the Study scenarios below:
Study parameters 1:
Tube outer diameter, Tube number of passes, Tube length, Number of tubes, Baffle spacing
Study parameters 2:
Uses kern tube counts to iterated between Shell diameters to obtain the number of tubes for a given number of passes.

User can set the study parameters and the software will automate the calculation steps and add the final result to summary screen
where the changes between each can can be detected.
This case study mode will automate the manual input for trial and error to optimise results.

HExS – v1.0.0.1

correct a bug in warning messages for P Props physical properties database

HExS – v1.0.0.0

First public release

HExS version history
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